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108 years old but not dusty in the least: the Swiss Drummers and Fifers Association (STPV) proudly looks back on a long history of keeping a tradition alive while simultaneously developing it into the present day. The STPV strives for a modernized tradition that meets today’s expectations of teaching and learning, entertainment, and social interaction without ever forgetting its roots. With over 4,500 members in 181 local associations, the STPV bears great responsibility for preserving the tradition and ensuring its survival. Through its progressive musical education programs, the STPV breaks new ground in passing on this heritage.


The drum, one of the most ancient instruments, has a long tradition in Switzerland. Drumming is not just a skill; it is a philosophy. The typical drummer has unique characteristics and a distinct way of life, celebrating drumming with great passion. But what would drumming be without the wind instruments? Equally ancient and rooted in Swiss folk culture and war history are the fifer and the bugler—the opposite poles, ever quiet and reasonable, yet always following the call of the drum (not to mention the true origin of the drum following the tune!). This combination of three elements has occasionally caused friction, but it has been cherished for centuries and continues to be today.


Recently, the STPV has been professionalizing its educational system by endorsing modern pedagogical and didactical standards. Courses for instructors and jurors are offered to prepare them for their roles. Encouraging children to take up drumming or fifing is one of the main aims of the STPV. Every other year, the so-called JUCA (Youth Camp) is organized, where new music is learned and performed, and social interaction between kids from all parts of Switzerland is fostered. Moreover, the STPV collaborates with the Competence Center of Swiss Military Music. Since its founding, the STPV has been responsible for the education of future military drummers.


Federal competitions for fifing, bugling, and drumming are held regularly. All the regional associations strive to perform well in these contests, directing their rehearsals towards presenting themselves to a qualified jury. The social exchange and the celebrations with participants from all over Switzerland after competing are just as important as the competitions themselves.


The STPV is the umbrella organization of four regional associations. Additionally, the Veteran’s Union is affiliated with the STPV, and even some foreign music groups are members of the STPV.


The STPV is the proud owner of a vast collection of music and manuscripts dating back to the beginning of the association. The history of drummers‘ and fifers‘ music is documented in detail in this unique collection.